PHP-Fusion v7.00.05
jantom dnia 13 stycznia 2009 14:57 ·
18 komentarzy · 28682 czytań
Low level XSS vulnerabilities fixed:
No. bugtracker: latest related SVN: last date: file
#018/021/042/118/124: 1002: 29.09.2008: themes/templates/admin_header_mce.php
#021: 1004: 01.10.2008: themes/templates/admin_header_mce.php
#043: 0978: 27.08.2008: administration/user_groups.php
#046: 0980: 30.08.2008: forum/viewthread.php
#057: 0976: 26.08.2008: administration/updateuser.php
#058: 0974: 26.08.2008: infusions/forum_threads_list_panel/my_posts.php
#058: 0974: 26.08.2008: infusions/forum_threads_list_panel/my_threads.php
#062: 0979: 28.08.2008: photo.php
#071: 0985: 06.09.2008: infusions/shoutbox_panel/shoutbox_archive.php
#071: 0985: 06.09.2008: infusions/shoutbox_panel/shoutbox_panel.php
#074: 0985/0986: 07.09.2008: forum/viewthread.php
#078: 0987: 07.09.2008: administration/infusions.php
#082: 0992/0994: 09.09.2008: administration/user_groups.php
#083: 0995: 11.09.2008: administration/bbcodes.php
#118/124: 1048: 26.11.2008: themes/templates/admin_header.php
#118/124: 1048: 26.11.2008: themes/templates/header.php
#118/124: 1058: 14.12.2008: includes/output_handling_include.php
#132: 1088: 09.01.2009: forum/viewthread.php
Latest related SVN: last date: file: fix
SVN0975: 26.08.2008: includes/user_fields/user_birthdate_include.php: Increased years
SVN0977: 27.08.2008: includes/bbcodes/mp3_bbcode_include.php: Fixed php open tag
SVN0988: 07.09.2008: administration/smileys.php: Change mysql order for current smileys
SVN0991: 09.09.2008: includes/user_fields/user_aim_include.php: Removed indicator images from aim, icq and yahoo fields
SVN0991: 09.09.2008: includes/user_fields/user_icq_include.php: Removed indicator images from aim, icq and yahoo fields
SVN0991: 09.09.2008: includes/user_fields/user_yahoo_include.php: Removed indicator images from aim, icq and yahoo fields
SVN0996: 12.09.2008: includes/bbcodes/code_bbcode_save.php: Tightened script security
SVN0996: 12.09.2008: includes/bbcodes/geshi_bbcode_save.php: Tightened script security
SVN0996: 12.09.2008: includes/bbcodes/php_bbcode_save.php: Tightened script security
SVN0997: 28.08.2008: photo.php: Dropped unnecessary line
SVN0999: 19.09.2008: includes/forum_include.php: bug corrected that prevented correct scaling of square images attached to a forum post
SVN1003: 29.09.2008: includes/buildlist.php: Tweaked image build routines
SVN1005: 03.10.2008: forum/index.php: Fixed search forums form
SVN1007: 06.10.2008: includes/comments_include.php: Added captcha for non registered users
SVN1008: 07.10.2008: administration/submissions.php: deleted orphaned echo resulting in unwanted file name being shown; added action and subject to page title
SVN1009: 07.10.2008: administration/photos.php: added action and photo title to page title
SVN1015: 12.10.2008: news.php: file format changed to default
SVN1015: 12.10.2008: administration/articles.php: file format changed to default
SVN1015: 12.10.2008: administration/news.php: file format changed to default
SVN1021: 18.11.2008: register.php: file format changed to default
SVN1031: 20.11.2008: administration/photoalbums.php: minor layout issues corrected
SVN1038/SVN1039: 24.11.2008: forum/options.php: fixed issue with moderatos overrights
SVN1040: 25.11.2008: administration/index.php: file format changed to default
SVN1041: 25.11.2008: maincore.php: Cleanup #1
SVN1050: 27.11.2008: photogallery.php: file format changed to default
SVN1050: 27.11.2008: administration/settings_misc.php: file format changed to default
SVN1051: 27.11.2008: login.php: Added label for 'Remember me' checkbox
SVN1075: 03.01.2009: images/photoalbum/submissions/index.php: empty index.php added
SVN1085: 09.01.2009: viewpage.php: Fixed bug preventing comments/ratings appearing
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